Hardwood Care & Maintenance

Follow our hardwood care & maintenance to keep your hardwood looking great for years to come. 

Daily Hardwood Care

Hardwood is a notoriously low-maintenance flooring option. As a homeowner, all you need to keep your hardwood looking great is a broom and a willingness to put it to use. By sweeping your hardwood floors every day, or every couple of days, you are actively helping to prolong the lifespan of your flooring. 

You may also elect to put doormats at the entrances of your home and encourage your guests to remove their shoes before entering. 

Hardwood cleaning | AJ Rose Carpets
Hardwood care | AJ Rose Carpets

Dealing With Hardwood Spills & Stains

Hardwood, like any flooring material that takes on spills, requires you to act fast when accidents occur. The longer you wait to address an accident, the more likely it is to become a long-term problem. While hardwood is difficult to stain, if spills occur it is good to address them with a clean cloth right away. 

Hardwood is a durable flooring option and because of this spills and stains are not cause or major concern. 

Get Inspired

Find inspiration as you shop for your new hardwood flooring.